Watson Spence LLP

Putting Power Into the Community
Despite our broad range of clients, we commit ourselves to enriching and putting power into metropolitan Albany and Southwest Georgia. Our partners, associates and staff are involved in leadership positions in all aspects of the community, including charitable organizations, civic clubs, organizations for the arts, political parties, state and local Chambers of Commerce, local colleges, schools and schools boards, and area churches.

Albany is Home
To us, Albany is home. We believe that we must protect those who need us, be that a client…or simply our neighbor. What happens to our immediate environment directly affects us, and Watson Spence is committed to ensuring that Albany and southwest Georgia is a community that develops and prospers with us.

As a law firm offering a broad range of specialized legal services, Watson Spence makes it our mission to strive to provide the highest quality legal representation to our clients at reasonable rates while offering the attorneys and staff of the firm an opportunity to provide those services at the highest levels of competence and integrity. In so doing, we strive to achieve professional, personal and economic satisfaction for ourselves and our families. Accordingly, we make the following commitments.